Marshall Rafal
Executive Director and CEO
As founder and visionary leader, Marshall has guided OLI Systems since its inception. He created a company that after 44 years retains a unique blend of dedication to furthering the electrolyte science while delivering the science through commercial software. Marshall continues to provide enthusiastic and strategic leadership through working with OLI Directors.
Marshall was co-author of the OLI Aqueous Thermodynamic Framework and was the lead author on the book, Handbook of Aqueous Electrolyte Thermodynamics: Theory and Application. Marshall was the principal author of the numerical algorithms for the OLI Engine and Tower solvers.
Areas of Expertise
Applied mathematics
Process simulation
Solution chemistry
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AIChE CAST Division Lifetime Achievement Award Computing Practice Award (2002)
PhD, Northwestern University, 1966
MS, Northwestern University, 1964
BChE, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, 1963