Help in electrolyte simulation
OLI's technical support team
OLI offers a team of highly skilled and readily available process simulation and installation experts to help both novice and experienced clients get maximum benefit from their OLI investment. OLI provides telephone and email portals to the team. OLI clients with active leases or those with support contracts are welcome to contact the team.
How to contact Technical Support
OLI's sales partners
Both SimTech and AQSim personnel are also available to their respective clients for applications support help. When appropriate, SimTech and AQSim refer cases to OLI Technical Support Team for further action
How to contact Technical Support
Email support
All active OLI clients including OLI active academic clients, and all prospective clients with free evaluation copies of OLI software are entitled to email support. Please use our current support email address, located on the Contact page.
Telephone support
Telephone support is also extended to active OLI clients during New Jersey, USA standard business hours. You can leave us a telephone message at any time. Please use the OLI main telephone number located in the upper right corner of this website, and press "2" for Technical Support.
Web-based support
Partnering with AQSim, OLI provides a web meeting facility where we have regularly scheduled training via web. We can also arrange ad-hoc web meetings for problems where it will be useful to work with case files online. OLI also maintains facilities for remote desk top access for troubleshooting OLI access problems. These services are available to all active OLI clients.
Reporting problems to OLI Technical Support
Please understand that to report a problem, the OLI Technical Support team will need the case file(s) causing the problem. OLI maintains an FTP site for uploading / downloading files associated with a case. Our team will need all your files, which can include a case file, related case files, chemistry model files and private databank files. It can get complicated. We have prepared information on how to report a problem and you can find this on the OLI Support wiki.
OLI software releases
OLI creates major releases when significant program changes occur. The next major release will be V10.0 of the software, planned for 2Q-3Q 2016. This will coincide with the release of OLI Flowsheet: ESP. All OLI software components, including all standalone components as well as all Alliance Partner products, will be released at the same time.
OLI releases new builds within a point release for new features and bug fixes. OLI follows an incremental build system for new builds, releasing approximately four to six times a year.
Downloads area
You can download the latest software build onto your PC by taking your V2 serial number to the OLI downloads website at If you have a network copy, you will need the SERVER serial number to download and the CLIENT serial number to install. You will need administrator privilege to install.
Release notes
OLI's Technical Support Team prepares release notes. You can find these notes on the downloads site when downloading the latest build, or by contacting Technical Support to request the release notes documentation.
OLI support wiki
The OLI Technical Support Team has created a wiki at
Try it! You will find a variety of tips, discussions, and information about OLI, including installation and security help.
OLI Support
Experienced process simulation experts